% ' open connection %>
<% on error resume next %>
<% set dbconn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") %>
<% dbconn.open "DSN=triggerit;UID=johnwhite;PWD=notthepassword;DATABASE=johnwhite" %>
Information Disclosure Form
securitypassfail = Request.querystring("security")
If securitypassfail = "New" Then
Response.Write("Thank You For Completing The Information Disclosure!")
End If
If securitypassfail = "Fail" Then
Response.Write("Secuity code was blank or Incorrect. Your request was not processed. Please try again!")
End If
If securitypassfail = "Pass" Then
Response.Write("Your request was processed Successfully.")
End If
If you want us to provide information to a third party (i.e.: bank, lender, attorney, investor, etc) please complete this form.